Saturday, January 12, 2013

The Miracle of God's Provision

The last couple days in Wisconsin were a blur. We were all running around trying to pack and go shopping for last minute supplies for our outreaches. Also, we were trying to spend as much time as possible with everyone that was going to a different outreach location. And last but not least, several of us had to raise a lot of money before we knew we could even go. So those days were very stressful and bittersweet.

On top of those feelings God was doing amazing things in my heart. I was messaging friends and posting online how much I still needed and just waiting for God to provide. It looked impossible to me, I still needed to raise about $1,600 when I came back from Christmas Break. The days following break people were donating, but it didn't seem to be fast enough. Naturally I was stressed out because we were packing and I still needed quite a bit of supplies, and i had to have a lot more money. I was starting to wonder if I was even supposed to go at this time. But God kept reminding me, "No, I told you that you are to go to Uganda for outreach, just trust me". So the day before, which was a Saturday, I posted again about how much I needed and several people gave one after the other, small amounts mostly. I kept updating throughout the day and people kept giving! We also had an offering and some of my classmates and leaders gave towards my outreach. About $1,000 came in on that day! The day before we left for Uganda!! I had heard stories of how that had happened to students in the past, but I didn't think it would happen to me. I thought surly the money would come in before that so I wouldn't be stressing or second guessing weather or not I was supposed to go. But God had a different plan. Haha, isn't that just like Him? He wanted to teach me more about how to trust in Him completely, not relying on anything or anyone else but Him. So, I am thankful for His timing! It is always the best! Next time I am not trusting God in any situation I will remember this!

I can't thank you all enough for donating towards my outreach!! You guys are awesome! And I literally would not be here without your support! Thank you so much! Because of you I am serving children at risk in Uganda. This country is absolutely beautiful and the people are too! Even though it isn't always easy to give up the comforts we as Americans are spoiled with, it is so worth it! I could not see myself anywhere else except "the pearl of Africa". God is teaching me so much while I am living the simple African lifestyle and serving the incredible people here.

I will be updating my blog as much as possible (there is Internet here at the Jinja YWAM Base, and we will be back here several times). I am not sure where else we will have Internet, but I am also planning on writing my monthly newsletter and sending it out when I get the chance. So if you are not yet signed up for them you can do so on here.

Thanks for your thoughts and prayers as well. Our team is doing very well, no one is sick at the time, and we are all enjoying our time here!

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